
The FAQs: Ins and Outs of the New EI Family Caregiver Benefit


The new Family Caregiver benefit for adults is available to help families care for a critically ill adult. This benefit allows eligible caregivers to take up to 15 weeks off work to care for or support an adult family member who is critically ill or injured. Eligible caregivers are family members or individuals that the

The FAQs: Ins and Outs of the New EI Family Caregiver Benefit2020-03-16T05:19:44-08:00

The Tax-Free Child Disability Benefit


The Child Disability Benefit (CDB) is a tax-free benefit for families who care for a child under age 18 who is eligible for the Disability Tax Credit  (DTC). Not all children with a disability qualifies for the CDB.  To be eligible for the Child Disability Benefit, the child must have a severe and prolonged

The Tax-Free Child Disability Benefit2020-06-03T05:54:37-08:00
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