medical expenses

Tips to Avoid CRA Adjustments


Here are some tips from the Canada Revenue Agency’s review programs. Following these tips should help reduce the number of adjustments the CRA needs to make to returns each year. No reply received If you do not provide the information requested within the timeframe indicated on the letter, the CRA will deny or modify

Tips to Avoid CRA Adjustments2021-03-25T12:32:38-08:00

Medical Expense Tax Credit – Service Animals


The Medical Expense Tax Credit – Service Animals (METC) provides tax relief in respect of certain expenses related to an animal specially trained to assist a patient in coping with the following impairments: blindness, profound deafness, severe autism, severe diabetes, severe epilepsy or a severe and prolonged impairment that markedly restricts the use

Medical Expense Tax Credit – Service Animals2020-03-16T05:22:04-08:00
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